Junior Primary
21st Century Education
The presented curriculum, combined with the integrated use of technology seeks to holistically develop, emotionally intelligent individuals who are confident and suitably equipped to deal with the challenges of the 21st century.
We aspire to develop solid values to create future responsible global citizens, for a better tomorrow.
Focal Learning Areas
Literacy, Numeracy and Life Skills are the focal learning areas within the Junior Primary phase.

The Literacy curriculum is directed towards equipping learners to develop the skills required to express themselves articulately, confidently and to communicate effectively with others. Literary Skills that are developed and focussed on include: Phonics/Spelling, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Grammar.

Learners are encouraged to develop their numerical conceptual knowledge and logical-mathematical problem-solving skills through verbal, experiential and play activities. Learners apply mathematical knowledge, logical reasoning and develop their conceptual knowledge from Grade 1-3 in areas such as numbers, measurement, time, money, shapes and data handling.

Life Skills
Learners are provided with knowledge about the world and allowed to develop their understanding of the world through inquiry-based learning and investigation. A range of valuable resources is used to develop existing knowledge. Our annual Junior Primary Science Fair showcases the scientific skills and creative minds of the learners.

International School of South Africa
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